Marketing Tools

MailChatter doesn't just support you in designing, writing, scheduling and sending acts like another member of staff, analysing the success of your previous campaigns so that you can make future 'sends' even more successful. Undoubtedly, knowing your customer base is essential and the reports Mailchatter generates will become important tools in your diagnostics. With each email send, a report will be automatically generated providing useful information for pinpointing your successes, learning about your customers and identifying leads for future campaigns.

And the good news is that you don't need to have a degree in statistics to interpret the information we provide. With easy-to-digest tables, pie-charts and graphs the information you need is available at-a-glance. You can easily make overall comparisons between email campaigns to identify those with more successful open rates and click rates. Of course, you can then delve deeper and ask specific questions about why and how your contacts have responded to a specific campaign - essential information upon which to base future campaigns and lead your marketing decisions. MailChatter will provide you with the answers.